Avui torna a fer calor, tot i que no som 15 de Juliol. Avui torno a anar a un concert dels Aerosmith, tot i que no hi vaig amb tu. Aquella gran nit de fa onze anys, tan especial i màgica. Irrepetible. Avui tancaré els ulls voluntàriament i notaré les teves mans. La respiració a cau d'orella. El petó al front desitjant-me que descansés a gust. Avui les papallones i els corbs sem barregen. Una ganes boges de veure els mocadors al micro, de sentir la veu de l'Steve Tyler, les guitarres, cantar les lletres a cor que vols. Un plor intern de nostàlgia i llàgrimes amargues plenes de passat que fuig com el tren que no para a cap estació. I aquella estranya necessitat de ser-hi per reviure aquell moment, tot i que punxi al mig de l'estomac i pessigui el cor.
Tell me that you're happy that you're on your own
Tell me that it's better when you're all alone
Tell me that your body doesn't miss my touch
Tell me that my lovin' didn't mean that much
Tell me you ain't dyin' when you're cryin' for me
27 jun 2010
i don't wanna close my eyes
22 jun 2010
darrera de cada nom, una vida
Avui he estat amb els nens del cole per última vegada. Fins i tot aquest any, m'ha fet una mica de pena. Sobretot per quatre personetes que han sigut molt especials per mi. La família del Younes, la Houda i el Brahim. El Tanguy i la Bamafa vestits amb roba de Mali per la ocasió. L'Aroa, l'Estefi, la Nour, la Yousra abraçades sense fi, petons sense fi, records sense fi. Les llàgrimes espontànies de la Claudia i de la seva mare.
És curiós, com de vegades, ens avergonyim de sentir. Desviem la mirada, ofeguem el bategar del cor, boicotegem la veritat. I de cop i volta, sembla que no, però a la desesperada, quan veiem que el final ja ens és proper, explotem d'emoció i ens surten les paraules tartamudes d'estima, abraçades efusives, tres petons i els ulls brillants.
Sap greu separar-se de persones amb noms, cognoms i una vida que els hi queda per viure. M'agradaria poder-la compartir una mica amb ells. Saber que els hi va bé, que han tingut sort, que van fent el seu camí i que és un camí ple de paisatges bonics on aturar-se, mirar enrera i poder continuar endavant amb il.lusió i esperança.
Be happy, my friends!
És curiós, com de vegades, ens avergonyim de sentir. Desviem la mirada, ofeguem el bategar del cor, boicotegem la veritat. I de cop i volta, sembla que no, però a la desesperada, quan veiem que el final ja ens és proper, explotem d'emoció i ens surten les paraules tartamudes d'estima, abraçades efusives, tres petons i els ulls brillants.
Sap greu separar-se de persones amb noms, cognoms i una vida que els hi queda per viure. M'agradaria poder-la compartir una mica amb ells. Saber que els hi va bé, que han tingut sort, que van fent el seu camí i que és un camí ple de paisatges bonics on aturar-se, mirar enrera i poder continuar endavant amb il.lusió i esperança.
Be happy, my friends!
Etiquetes de comentaris:
hey teachers leave the kids alone,
in my life
19 jun 2010
Carta a un professor
Respected teacher,
My son will have to learn I know, that all men are not Just ,all men are not true. But Teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero; that for every selfish politician , there is a dedicated leader. Teach him that for every enemy there is a friend.
It will take time, I know; but teach him, if you can, that a dollar earned is of far more value than five found. Teach him to learn to lose and also enjoy the winning. Steer him away from envy, if you can .
Teach him the secret of quiet laughter. Let him learn early that bullies are easiest to lick. Teach him if you can the wonder of books…but also give him quiet time to ponder over the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hill-side.
In school teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat. Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him they are wrong. Teach him to be gentle with gentle people and tough with the tough.
Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone is getting on the band wagon. Teach him to listen to all men but teach him also to filter all he hears on a screen of truth and take only the good that comes through. Teach him if you can how to laugh when he is sad. Teach him there is no shame in tears.
Teach him to scoff at cynics and be aware of too much sweetness.Teach him to sell of his brawn and brain to the highest bidders; but never put a price tag on
his heart and soul.
Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob…and to stand and fight if he thinks
he’s right. Treat him gently; but do not cuddle him because only the
test of fire makes fine steel . Let him have the courage to be
impatient, let him have the patience to be brave. Teach him always to have sublime faith in himself because then he will always have sublime faith in
This is a big order; but see what you can do…he is such a fine
little fellow, my son
Abraham Lincoln
My son will have to learn I know, that all men are not Just ,all men are not true. But Teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero; that for every selfish politician , there is a dedicated leader. Teach him that for every enemy there is a friend.
It will take time, I know; but teach him, if you can, that a dollar earned is of far more value than five found. Teach him to learn to lose and also enjoy the winning. Steer him away from envy, if you can .
Teach him the secret of quiet laughter. Let him learn early that bullies are easiest to lick. Teach him if you can the wonder of books…but also give him quiet time to ponder over the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hill-side.
In school teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat. Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him they are wrong. Teach him to be gentle with gentle people and tough with the tough.
Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone is getting on the band wagon. Teach him to listen to all men but teach him also to filter all he hears on a screen of truth and take only the good that comes through. Teach him if you can how to laugh when he is sad. Teach him there is no shame in tears.
Teach him to scoff at cynics and be aware of too much sweetness.Teach him to sell of his brawn and brain to the highest bidders; but never put a price tag on
his heart and soul.
Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob…and to stand and fight if he thinks
he’s right. Treat him gently; but do not cuddle him because only the
test of fire makes fine steel . Let him have the courage to be
impatient, let him have the patience to be brave. Teach him always to have sublime faith in himself because then he will always have sublime faith in
This is a big order; but see what you can do…he is such a fine
little fellow, my son
Abraham Lincoln
Etiquetes de comentaris:
hey teachers leave the kids alone
10 jun 2010
Bona al quadrat = tontaaa!
Sempre intentant ajudar, sense perjudicar i quan, per alguna raó, fas alguna cosa perquè et convé, encara et sents culpable. He ajudat a pujar les bosses a la persona que es va riure de mi a la cara. No ho he fet perquè em donés les gràcies... m'ha sortit de dins. Li he demanat a qui vaig ajudar a netejar l'armari de pols i a contar diccionaris de les aules si podia agafar-me un parell d'hores quan no tingués classe per anar a veure un pis. M'ha fet mala cara i m'ha tirat un moc.
Intento oblidar-ho, però em sembla injust i em cou a dins. I el brou fet de males estones, boicots de classes, no-salutacions dels companys, manca de valoracions positives o feedback, no sentir-me d'enlloc, i a l'hora, haver d epertànyer a tot arreu quan toca pringar... aquest brou em cou, fa xup-xup i m'escalfa tant que tinc por que rebenti l'olla. Però ja sé que són paraules i que abans que peti, abaixaré el foc, o els pantalons, o el cap i aguantaré, com sempre, per les persones que em pregunten com estic, que em saluden i em somriuen, per la foto que volien de record amb mi, perquè no ho sóc, de pícara, i per molt que em dolgui, qui ho té del néixer no ho deixa el créixer i jo sóc així de "bo..ba".
Intento oblidar-ho, però em sembla injust i em cou a dins. I el brou fet de males estones, boicots de classes, no-salutacions dels companys, manca de valoracions positives o feedback, no sentir-me d'enlloc, i a l'hora, haver d epertànyer a tot arreu quan toca pringar... aquest brou em cou, fa xup-xup i m'escalfa tant que tinc por que rebenti l'olla. Però ja sé que són paraules i que abans que peti, abaixaré el foc, o els pantalons, o el cap i aguantaré, com sempre, per les persones que em pregunten com estic, que em saluden i em somriuen, per la foto que volien de record amb mi, perquè no ho sóc, de pícara, i per molt que em dolgui, qui ho té del néixer no ho deixa el créixer i jo sóc així de "bo..ba".
8 jun 2010
... clicar el link del meu blog i rellegir-lo i mirar què escrivien els meus companys de la blogosfera no m'era difícil. El que em costava era escriure qualsevol cosa després de la mort de la mare de l'Ilhame. Per això aquest silenci virtual...
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